Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bli med å teste ut nettsidene til Cappelen Damm


Bli med å teste ut nettsidene til forlaget Cappelen Damm.
Du loggar inn med Feide-brukaren din og jobbar med faget/oppgåvene du får beskjed om i klassen.

Knut Olav

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Farm animals - online games

There are several games you can play online to learn and practise the names of the most common farm animals. Have a go:

1. Farm Domestic Animals
A memory game where you have to pair the pictures with the words while you listen to the words.
You can do it! :-)

2. Farm Animals Vocabulary Game
Click the pictures to play the game.

3. Not exactly a game, but a Youtube video where you get to guess which animal is hidden behind the straw bales. Who is quicker?

4. Learn Farm Animals. Youtube video.

Click link and choose content.