Thursday, June 3, 2021

British Council - Learn English Kids: Pets

 På nettsidane til British Council kan du jobbe med ulike kategoriar, sjå videoar, lytte til songar, spele spel - og på ulike måtar lære mykje engelsk.

Lenka i skjermbiletet tar deg til sidane om kjæledyr - pets.
Ver nysgjerrig, leit, lytt og lær!

iSLCOLLECTIVE: Pets, Islands 1

 The very young learners are going to learn such words as dog,frog, cat as well as big and small.

Scene summary:
The kids are in the park. They see a rabbit, a frog and a cat when suddenly Milly comes with her two dogs.

iSLCOLLECTIVE: Pets - vocabulary introduction


Task description:
Video to introduce vocabulary about pets. Students have to answer simple questions about the theme.
Scene summary:
Short scene from "The secret life of pets" to introduce children to the Pets theme.

iSLCOLLECTIVE: Animals and pets

Task description:
Practicing animal vocab and basic descriptions, as well as practicing the verb be (it's a... or it is…).
Scene summary:
Song presenting animals/ pets and their sounds. The animals featured are: dog, cat, mouse, bird, fish, lion.